نصوص أدبية

The War / Ben Younes Majen

These harlot’ s war dastardly talk about peace on one hand and world dominion on the other.

Is that a cock we hear crowing? Or a nosebag full of straws?

Our eyes are staying dry with a dull vision

Lies, lies how can we teach a big liar to lie

Porkies, porkies galore

For it will take only one jab to burst one balloon or more

But nothing is ever justed by the cowards

Like urban foxes playing with a headless doll in a bottomless pit

Rotten straws in the wind stir a bitter harvest of hate

The ecstasy of the hangman with silk rope

Delivering sermons of hate that have torn the world apart

The heartless weaving their evil webs with terror

Wandering among the unquenchable bloodbath

A quagmire for all seasons

White wash or white trash

Nobody cares it s only history

Nobody talks about the untouchables

They say  beware of the treason

Another lie yet to be told without reason


Ben Younes Majen 


العودة الى الصفحة الأولى


الآراء الواردة في المقال لا تمثل رأي صحيفة المثقف بالضرورة، ويتحمل الكاتب جميع التبعات القانونية المترتبة عليها: (العدد :2097السبت  21 / 04 / 2012)

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