ترجمات أدبية

The X Y Z Factors

His quest for an easy life was quashed by his stubbornness in dealing with the human race.


It was also possible that X never took no for an answer, to his entourage that was his last downfall

A mistake never to be repeated again you might say!


The door was ajar when X appeared on the scene carrying

A folded paper under his arm. He stood for a moment with a fixed stare.


It was during a heated moment with Y  that I met X in the courtyard of a famous museum in London


To rub salt into the wounds of the bleeding matter

Z came, she saw, she conquered and walked with style

She found solace in the spinning trance of monotony


The one good thing about X; is that he will back you up whenever the occasion arises


And the most amusing thing is that X is totally committed to his points of view


However, when things get heat-up; he would creep quietly into the unknown


The only man I know who can keep his hopes in a  veiled fortress

But X is like that; too serious to fathom.


A cheerleader in an unruly crowd

A leader without an unruly crowd


A leader infused with burning passion

Passion for his own goals


To reach beyond the unthinkable, X will endure a passion of silence


He will sit for hours contemplating his solace in a trance manner.

Y felt no fear..because in his books they are only possible denominations : dead or alive


Meanwhile, Z and Y have begun to fade slowly from the scene folded and metamorphosed into a cloud of a dusty harvest  floating high above the rainbows. Never to be seen again.




تابع موضوعك على الفيس بوك  وفي   تويتر المثقف


العودة الى الصفحة الأولى


الآراء الواردة في المقال لا تمثل رأي صحيفة المثقف بالضرورة، ويتحمل الكاتب جميع التبعات القانونية المترتبة عليها: (العدد :2131 الجمعة  25 / 05 / 2012)



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