ترجمات أدبية


بن يونس ماجنانا واحد من الغرباء فقط



By Ben Younes Majen

I’m just another stranger in town

I’m just another stranger on the street

So please ignore me

If you see me

Do not say hello

Just walk right on

Like you’ve never saw me before


Just walk and walk right on


I could swim the sea

And be noticed

I could fly the horizons

And be spotted by the clouds

But I’m just a stranger on this Earth

A specimen from the flow of the crowds

So just walk past me

Do not even stare at me


I could wear a mask

Paint my face blue

Write a poem

Sing a song for you

Or sit on a park bench without you


I could be famous

In my own way

Or an unknown entity

You can either take it

Or leave it

To rot in the obscurity

Don’t let that trouble you

So if you see me again

Just ignore me

Don’t nod or waive your hand

Because I’m just a stranger on your land



في نصوص اليوم