ترجمات أدبية

The bridge / Ben Younes Majen

They denuded freedom. Nobody knows why

And they are sharing the loot reciprocately found in a crow’ s nest

They convoluted in a frenzied manner

A jolted bridge on a mirage is like a harvest of joy been dissipitated and seeped across the fields

Like a moth-eaten leaf in broad daylight embellished

Hidden beneath a wooden leg once owned by an old warrior

In the land where crossing bridges is forbidden

Do they know that happiness is a bridge made of raindrops that never fell down

The anchor of life shall charm the lonely wind of freedom

Will you take solace in your conspicuous hope?

Will your destiny be nesting under heavy stones?

Do you know that hope has no limits

Nor has the gracious peace


Ben Younes Majen


تابع موضوعك على الفيس بوك  وفي   تويتر المثقف


العودة الى الصفحة الأولى


الآراء الواردة في المقال لا تمثل رأي صحيفة المثقف بالضرورة، ويتحمل الكاتب جميع التبعات القانونية المترتبة عليها: (العدد :2110الجمعة  04 / 05 / 2012)

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