ترجمات أدبية

I Ask Your Leave for a Moment of Grief

عادل صالح الزبيديترجمة لقصيدة الشاعر

 جواد غلوم:

 "استأذنكم بهنيهة حزن"


I Ask Your Leave for a Moment of Grief

A Poem By Jawad Ghalom

Translated By Adil Saleh Al-Zubeidi


I Ask Your Leave for a Moment of Grief


I call upon my eyes,

I blame my tears:

Stop looking at the mirrors that have known her face

For all those long years.

I say to my hands and shudder:

Stop fumbling in the cupboard;

For the Melissa perfume

Still longs for her as a stranger longs for company;

For her face that flutters as a bird rejoices the sight of her;

Like a wing fleeing from fear to its safe nest,

As she said farewell and fled,

Like our lost dreams,

Our common disappointments,

And that chandelier that melts without a candle in there.

This is her sleepless pillow

Stuffed with ceaseless insomnia.

These are her faded garments

Whose flowery decorations have exasperated me

By incessantly demanding sweet nectar

And grief-soothing odor.

O, my sun that has misguidedly  departed.

Does the sun grow old in death?

Here is its beam arising despite slumber

Reviving in me a deathful life.


The bracelet and the diamond are gone

And I'm in Baghdad left alone.

She was to my heart a friend

And the stairs to my glorious throne.


Would that we had died together

And lied in a tomb with one stone.

Will grief console my loneliness?

What worth is life when you are gone?


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